The magistrates were persuaded that it was not, in fact, a knife but a "gadget" and duly dismissed the case. Trading Standards officers of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead brought charges in East Berkshire Magistrates' Court against W J Daniel and Company Limited, one of whose employees had sold a grapefruit knife to a test purchaser under the age of 16 on 17 February 2009. It is illegal under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 to sell knives to persons under 18. English law Ī legal case in the English Criminal Courts has held that a grapefruit knife is, in fact, a knife.
#Grapefruit knife curved movie
In the 1950 film noir movie In a Lonely Place, Humphrey Bogart's character straightens out a grapefruit knife, unaware of the purpose of its design.

When both types are used, the result is an intact-looking fruit with sections which lift out easily - especially if a " grapefruit spoon" is used. Another type includes an angled tip and double sided serrated blade. Some grapefruit knives incorporate both types, a double-sided curved blade on one side and the parallel twin blades on the other. The term "grapefruit knife" can refer to a type of knife with short, serrated twin blades about 2mm apart, used to separate the sides of each section from the dividing membrane. This is used to separate the outer edge of the segments from the rim of the fruit. Grapefruit knives are small with a curved serrated blade, designed to hug the curves of the grapefruit. A grapefruit knife is a special type of knife designed specifically for cutting grapefruit.